Sunday, August 12, 2012

Subject Matter:  History-Social Science

Grade Level:  7

Lesson Objective:

Learners will be able to describe the development of distinctive forms of Japanese Buddhism.

Subject Matter Content Standard: 

7.5 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Japan.
 1.      Trace the development of distinctive forms of Japanese Buddhism.

Website Resources

  1. http://

  1. http://

Student Research Questions:

1.  What are the distinctive forms of Japanese Buddhism and how did they develop?

2.  Buddhism came to Japan from where?
3.  How did Zen Buddhism develop in Japan?
4.  How did Pure Land Buddhism develop in Japan. 
5.  How did Nichiren Buddhism begin in Japan?
6.  What is the goal of Zen Buddhim?
7.  What is the goal of Pure Land Buddhism?
8.  What is the goal of Nichiren Buddhism?
9.  Which are still around today?

Assessment:  Students will become better acquainted with doing internet research and also learn about the development of Buddhism in Japan.   
Student learning will be assessed by grading their answers according to a grading rubric.